Sunset Valley, Texas
Upper Cougar Creek Savannah Trail

The Sunset Valley Savanna trail is a trail along Cougar Creek, a small tributary to Williamson Creek in Austin, Texas. Mend Collaborative was asked to put together a design that draws residents and visitors together to gather and play and enhances the City’s commercial district while minimizing environmental impact. Our team is currently creating a design for an ADA-accessible trail loop through out the property’s ecologically sensitive floodplain area that connects residents to nature, showcases art in a natural setting, and builds upon the existing trail network. The team is also implementing a strategy for re-establishing native plant communities to support pollinators and wildlife. A section of the property outside of the floodplain also provides opportunities for a nature play-focused playground, a shade structure, and gathering spaces for community members.
Sunset Valley, Texas
Currently Underway
City of Sunset Valley
Mend Collaborative, Dovetail Studio, Freeland Turk